Today I want to share with you our "Gluing and caring" program that is our way of giving back and helping those in need.
To start, I want to tell you about my Brazilian friend Bernadete Rocha, Charlotte's mom. She has helped me in my most difficult time and I'm so grateful I can help her back and support her wonderful cause and mission in this planet.
She is one of the sweetest and strongest woman I have ever met, and she is an angel, not only she deeply helped me during the time I was depressive (some years ago as I wrote on my blog already), but she helps lots of kids and adults in Brazil and I want you to meet her.
When Bernadete (I will call her Dete as I always do), a yoga teacher, was in the hospital ready to receive her new born baby in her arms, she heard from the doctor that she would need to be strong because her baby wasn't normal and probably would not survive long time.... she was born with Down Syndrome, and that, back on those days in a small city in Brazil, was something rare and doctors didn't know very well how to deal with it.
So that's the way Charlotte was born in Brusque, SC, Brazil in the 80's. Well, Dete decided that she would do anything she could to help her little girl to have a good life. Dete truly believed that everything happens for a reason and she would be able to figure out how to do it.
That was what she did, she started searching for answers, she went to different doctors, specialists, she went everywhere she could and tried so many different options. Also, when Charlotte was 6 years old, she discovered that she also had autism. Little by little with all of that Dete was finding out and trying, Charlotte was getting better and better.
Making a long story short, Charlotte today is married to a man that also has Down Syndrome, both of them live a normal life, they work, they go to the parks, beach, parties, well, they are so happy. She also loves swimming and in 2007 she was part of the Brazilian team that went to the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Shanghai, China, and she got 7th place.
Charlotte's story is full of complications, hard times, but it is a beautiful example that how with dedication, care and love everything is possible!
So, let's get back to my friend Dete. By the time she was seeing good results with her child, other parents started going to her house and asking for help. And she started helping and her house got small for that many people, so, with the help of friends and the community she decided to open a place where she could help more people. Then, since 1990 Escola Charlotte has been helping kids and adults with special needs using the Glenn Doman method that is not a single treatment or activity, but it's a holistic system of treatments that incorporates physiological, nutritional, physical, sensory and cognitive treatments. Escola Charlotte is a non-profit organization, that survives with donations of the community and the parents of the children they attend.
I do encourage you SEE THE VIDEO BELOW, meet Charlotte and Dete and also see and feel the great energy that this wonderful woman Dete has and bring to the World.
Now that you know Dete and Charlotte, let me tell you why I say that Dete is an angel in my life. By the time I was in the darkest time of my life, crying everyday, very depressive, my mom told me to find some yoga classes and that could help me. So I did, and then I found Dete! Her classes were the best, it was in her classes that I could relax, and start learning more about energy, that I could start finding myself in that mess that my life had turned into. The meditations at the end of the class were exactly what I needed to find the light inside me..... oh, how I miss those Thursdays's afternoon! But I learned very well, with her help I discovered that my work wasn't the right thing to me, I got courage to start crafting and quit my job (you know it wasn't easy and quick....but it was the process of self discovering guided by God through Dete's words and actions! Absolutely grateful in every second of my life!).
So, I went to my yoga classes during the time I was pregnant of my second child Lucas. Being pregnant and depressive wasn't my plan and those classes helped me so much. I was looking at some pictures to add here and instantly I started crying..... full of gratitude! I can see how much I love my kids, myself, my family and Dete and this supportive group of friends.
After Lucas was born, the group came to my house to visit, what a good time.Then, later, I brought Lucas to one class.
And once he was about 10 months old (I think!), we had a class guided by him and another baby. It was one amazing experience when the babies where in the middle of the circle just moving, and we all around following their movements..... ok, I'm now in tears here again. So great memories!
Now, that I overcame depression, that I'm a happy woman that is passionate about crafts, that has found my way of life, that have turned dark into light, I'm absolutely happy and grateful to be able to help back. As I said, Dete is an angel in my life, and in so many more lives, and being able to donate and contribute to her school and her mission is wonderful. Dete always said that everything is possible when we believe, trust in God and help. I remember she saying (and she said in the video above too) that parents with children with special needs need to forget about the "champion" they were expecting and receive and embrace with love the "little angel with broken wings". And that's not only true for this situation.... it's for all, everything happens for a reason and the World is much better because of people like Dete! Thanks my friend, God Bless you!
How can you and I help Dete? If you are a member of the Joyful Cartonnage Club you are already helping, as 5% of the fee are donated monthly to organizations that need help, like Escola Charlotte.
Sometimes I also create special programs where you can have the opportunity to help them.
And now you can also donate directly to the them, using PayPal. Click here to donate on their website, scroll down the page and you will see a yellow button. Click there and you can make your donation. Donations will be in Brazilian Reais (BRL) which in November 2021 has a conversion of around 5 to dollars. So, for example if you add R$ 100 (100 BRL), you will actually be donating around $20. Keep that in mind! Thanks SO much for helping making the World a better place!
That's what I want to share today, my heart is emanating so much love! Hope you are receiving it!
Thanks so much for all your support, enjoy your crafting time!
Your friend Claudia