Let's have fun with fabric, paper and glue with no-sewing required?
Get this FREE eBook, learn the basics and start making unique Surprise fabric boxes using CARTONNAGE technique
(Hint: no-sewing)
* Use simple materials and your favorite fabrics
* No sewing required, quick and easy to make beautiful and sturdy boxes that are great handmade gifts!
* Get together with your friends and have so much fun!
* Learn the basics of the technique while making unique Surprise fabric boxes following detailed color picture instructions. Best way to get started!
* Download to your computer and get ready for a great crafting time!
Make different projects with your fabric stash! No-sewing required, only simple materials!
Gluing is relaxing, allow your inner child to have fun while creating this amazing projects!
Following this eBook, with many tips and tricks, your pieces will be professional looking, so beautiful, unique and functional! Everyone will love to receive them!
“I love sharing my passion of making boxes with so many craft lovers”
I'm Claudia Squio, a Brazilian-American living in Michigan with my family! My mission is to create and share my passion of making unique handmade gifts feeling the JOY and SATISFACTION of creating something special for us or for loved ones!
I have been teaching Cartonnage and Bookbinding classes since 2014, with local classes and inspiring thousands of students on my online school.
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