Cartonnage Book
Cartonnage book in English!

with contributions by Sherri Jones and Lynn Hodge
Cartonnage is a lovely handmade art, originated in France long time ago and it has been revived around the world in the latest years. It is the “art of box making”, out of cardboard, glue and fabric or paper. With this technique, we can make much more than boxes, unique functional pieces to decorate our homes, for everyday use or as unique gifts.
With step by step color picture Cartonnage instructions (about 700 pictures), no steps missing, this book is a master class to make your own beautiful fabric boxes from the very beginning. Also covers how to build more advanced pieces including dividers, trays and drawers. You will learn how to start from the scratch cutting your own cardboard or you will be able to start from some DIY kits (sold separately) with all pieces of paperboard pre cut and have fun using your favorite fabrics. Very simple materials needed, no expensive tools!
You will also have the opportunity to learn how to personalize your boxes painting your own fabric or adding embroideries!
Online complimentary videos available for this book. Watch some parts of the process in videos to improve your learning experience!

Claudia Squio is a Brazilian fiber artist living in Michigan and focusing on fabric cartonnage, that is a traditional art of making boxes covered with fabric or paper. She designs fabric boxes and cases and has been teaching this technique at quilt stores and quilt quilds and also through her online cartonnage school. She has authored the book “Cartonnage Basics & Beyond – The complete guide to make fabric boxes” and a Lecture “Cartonnage – the art of box making”. Some of her artwork also includes the preparation of the fabric, painting and sewing, combining techniques to make even more unique pieces. Besides creating the pieces and teaching she developed some DIY kits and tools that can be used for her students to start and facilitate the process of fabric box making.

Sherri Jones grew up in Texas and had the good fortune of learning a variety of needle arts from her mother and grandmother. She graduated from law school at the University of Texas in Austin, and then moved with her husband to Michigan. Sherri designs counted thread embroidery under the trade name of Patrick’s Woods, and has been enjoying sharing and teaching her embroidery designs for over 25 years. She has taught for needlework shows and private guilds all across the United States, as well as Canada and England. Her designs have been published in Just CrossStitch magazine and Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly magazine. Sherri’s designs are functional, dimensional pieces and are inspired by her collection of souvenirs and novelties of the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of her designs are an interpretation of the old while preserving the sentiment of the era and the quality of hand construction.

Lynn Hodge is a fiber artist and instructor. Married 50 years to her highschool sweetheart, mother of 2, grandmother of 5. Having grown up in Ohio, living most of her adult life in Indiana, she claims dual citizenship. Currently she teaches fiber art & manages a Quilt shop near Indianapolis, IN (Quilt Expressions). Her art is playful. Her creative thirst sees something new in everything old. Her studio is filled with an array of fabrics, textures, tools, mediums and embellishments. She hand stitches, machine stitches, personalizes fabrics with acrylics, oils, inks, dyes, stains, rust and bleach. She believes that everyone is an artist when inspired by beauty in the mundane and have an insatiable desire to create a technique to capture each moment. Sharing feeds her artistic soul and she does that through teaching and motivating others to elasticize their own boundaries!
What you will make following this book
Fabric organizer box, Fabric treasure chest and Fabric treasure chest with (hidden) drawer
BUY THE BOOK (and DIY kits) NOW:
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Important note: Book errata
Unfortunately, there is one error on page 64 for the dimensions of the fabric treasure chest. If you are cutting your own paper, please exchange pieces 19 and 20 (poster boards). If you look at the pictures of page 72 you will understand better. Piece 19 should be the small one and 20 is the biggest one.
If you have any question, please let me know Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience that this error could make.