Click on the link to register. You will receive an email from us with all the details and the link will be sent to you by email at the day of the Webinar. If you can't join us on the date, you will be able to see the replay on your best time (only if you register bellow).
Exploring Claudia's Cartonnage Methodology Over Time
First, as a celebration of Claudia's 10 years of teaching Cartonnage let's have fun with a back-in-time session of pictures to see how our method have evolved in these 10 last years!
Exploring Materials and getting ready to the Annual Cartonnage Workshop
Preparation for our Annual Cartonnage Online Workshop (register here), we will also talk about materials and the basics of the technique. It will be a fun 1.5h that will give you tons of inspiration and will make you go after your stash to find unique scraps to start making Cartonnage gifts.
Creating an unique
Cartonnage piece
We make (yes, putting hands on glue!)
something very simple, but so unique that everyone that sees will say....
"How clever - Love it"!
I've been designing and making Cartonnage boxes and other projects for a while, and it feels like forever! I'm the author of the Book Cartonnage Basics & Beyond - the complete guide for fabric box making.
I have a real passion for crafts, especially fabric related, I love the texture, the combinations, but I was never good at sewing (don't tell anyone!), so I found gluing fabric relaxing and wonderful. And, most of all, I LOVE teaching and sharing this amazing technique with thousands of fabric/paper lovers through my local and online classes and my Cartonnage Club.
I'm a Brazilian-American living in Michigan with my wonderful supportive family - husband and two kids.
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